Monday, January 10, 2011


God loves me.

For instance, today I told the Universe that I wanted a place to practice the piano, since this house does not have one and music has my heart. Tonight I went for the first time to the home of a church leader I just met yesterday, to celebrate families in what my church calls "Family Home Evening." We started talking, it came out that I am a pianist, and he led me to one of the nicest pianos I have ever put my fingers on. Oh, and he said "You can come and practice anytime. Just call my wife. We are the only ones who live here, so it is open most of the day." Just like that.

But it doesn't stop there. I'd been feeling for several weeks that I needed to switch to this church unit. Since there are several options where I live and I'd settled for a while in another one, I wondered why but did it anyway. I almost didn't make it on Sunday since I'd had a nonstop weekend, and the directions online were much less than adequate. I actually walked into the wrong congregation (one with a lot of noisy babies), and was tempted to go home or back to my other ward, but no, it was the right thing to do, so after a little hunting I found the right congregation. Wow. Ever walk into a group and have the feeling that you've known these people before, even though you know you've only met maybe one or two (in this case three) of them before? I know they are new best friends already.

This weekend? I'd just finished a fabulous date up the canyon (dutch oven dinner in the snow, although cold, cannot be beat, even though it just might have taken us 45 minutes to start the fire) and made it home safely (after the cops told us the campground where we'd cooked our food was closed [we'd already eaten, thank goodness] and after we went and played games at my cousin's house), and was feeling satisfied, but tired. I called a friend I knew was coming in from Chicago en route to southern Utah. I debated going to see her since I'd also driven up from Idaho that day (long story), but again, felt it would be best. I met her and a few other friends just after having a slightly traumatic experience, and they needed to see me precisely at that moment. God loves them too.

Oh, and I also chose recently to drop half my source of income. Why? I have no idea. Because God told me to. However, I have been completely amazed in the past couple of days by what I have learned thus far. And, I know that the right job is on it's way. Crazy? No. Perhaps last year at this time, yes, it would have been, but I have since learned to know His voice. He is the master of "I promise, I deliver." Try it sometime - just make sure you are talking the right Heavenly Father.

Do you ever have the feeling that something tremendous is about to happen, and you kind of have an idea of what it is but don't really know how it will work out, but just know that it will? Yup. That's my life right now.

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