Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Reflections on November 7th

I woke up this morning wondering what I could do for my country. 

I have wanted to rush off and start a campaign, to create posters, to advertise on TV.  I listened to the voice that directed me, and It tells me to love myself, to start a family, to make sure I feel beautiful today. 

I have wanted to go and help and assist and provide for all of the people in need.  I was told to make sure I was confident in the direction I was going first.

I have wanted to start a business that will teach and change people to make millions so that I have influence, and push it through to completion.  I was directed to be like the Lilies of the Field, and that if I trust in the Voice, I will be provided for.

I have wanted to follow the path that the rest of the world points out to me – that of career, “responsibilities” (which is often only another way of saying “distrust” in anything higher than me to provide for me), and the “realities of life.”  I have been told that politics and business and the economy determine my destiny, and that I must fight these battles against other people in order to have a place in this world.  Instead, my directing Voice tells me that I am to be still – even in the world of 2012 – and I shall know who is God.

As I pondered these things this morning, wondering how it is that I can focus on small, individual things like this when the world is in such chaos – and even worrying that unless I join the fray, what I truly care about will be lost, when the following realization came to me once again:

It was not intended that we find a way to make ourselves free, happy, and prosperous on our own. 

Our human efforts, no matter how great they are, can never free us.  It was never intended that they could.  We have only two options.  We either serve the God of this Land, who is the God of the whole earth; or we serve something else.  If we serve something else, we will never be free.

When I say that I am committed to doing whatever it takes, to doing my part regardless of any cost, I really mean it.  Sometimes, though, more often than not, my part starts with being able to look at myself in the mirror today and say “I love you.” There are generals who would rather face an army of enemy tanks than do that.  But unless we are willing to do that, how can we possibly do any of the rest?  How can God guide and save people who will do anything for Him except receive His love? 

So today, and every other day, I am in it to do my part, now and forever.  I am not waiting until the next Presidential Cycle, or the economy to crash, or war to happen in my own or other lands.  I am in it to truly live in a way that the God of this land wants me to live, all the time, every day, today. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

You can

So, at last, I'm back, a repentant procrastinating blogger. :) I'm not making any promises - my life is far too exciting to say that I will never leave you so long neglected again - but here I find myself with a couple of hours on a Sunday when I have no other plans, so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity. 

I'll admit it.  I'm radiantly happy.  I feel a deeper and fuller sense of life now than I think I ever have ever.  I know who I am, and what I'm on this planet to do, and what I need to do to get there. I'm making more money and influencing more people for the better than I ever have before,  and I know Who I'm working for. It honestly makes every single day an adventure.  I was talking to my best friend and personal assistant the other day, and she said "I used to watch movies or read books of people who changed the world, and I wondered what it would feel like to be them.  Well, now I know." Touche. She hit it right on the head.  Yes, this may be the "calm before the storm," but I prefer to think of it as the "calm in the eye of the storm."  I know what it takes to do what I do because I'm already living it every day. 

Take last night, for instance.  I had the opportunity to do a presentation for a beautiful family in Ogden.  About half-way through, I felt a nudge to call out one of the young men in the family and invite him to do something he had been procrastinating for years.  I obeyed, and there before my eyes I watched him change.  Not just a little change, but a big, huge, powerful, destiny-shaping change.  It made everyone in the room cry, including myself.  I have so much confidence in him, and in the world because there are people like him.  I can't wait to see what he does.

I'm a big disbeliever in the idea that this world is lost, that there is nothing that we can do, and that we should just "grit our teeth and bear it." This is not the time for losing, this is the time for winning, and the people that we reach through our choices can be and will be affected forever.  So, dear reader of this blog, can you.