Wednesday, December 1, 2010


In the spirit of the season, here are my two bits of thanksgiving:

I am grateful for the past four years of my life. Really.

I am grateful, especially, for this year.

I am grateful for the phone call from a friend that comes after I woke up late, spent all day working, rushed over to finish a VERY last-minute audition CD, arrived 15 minutes after call time to my play only to find I'd forgotten half my stuff, lost part of my costume during the performance, and have been battling a very nasty cold for a week, and then I get this message that says "Hey, just calling to make sure you took time today to remember how amazing you are."

I am grateful for my dog, who, even in her aged condition, is always glad to see me - and lets me know it.

I am grateful for the gift of unconditional love and for people through whom I have learned what love is and can be.

I am grateful for patience, and especially humility.

I am grateful to be reminded who I really am. Thanks to those of you who through example, time, and love have shown me this in ways I will never forget. Your gift is priceless. I can never repay you, but I can do my best to "pay it forward."

I am grateful for toothpaste. Having gone without it for the past two days, I have authority to speak on the subject.

I am grateful for Frederic Chopin.

I am grateful for the hard work it takes to become a person who's life really means something.

I am grateful for Beethoven's Sonatas. All of them.

I am grateful for YFF. And Livin' in Life. And Yagottawanna. And Nauvoo. And for all you kids in AZ and IF and St. George next year, I'm already grateful for you.

I am grateful for T.B., K.B., L.L., and J.D.

I am grateful to have the best job in the world.

I am grateful for all the people who's floors, couches, and spare rooms I've occupied this year.

I am grateful for the toddler in the cart in front of me at Walmart who smiles at me and totally makes my day.

I am grateful for the book of Isaiah and what he teaches about joy.

I am grateful for the gift of loving someone so much that I find the power to overcome pride, selfishness, and even my deepest fear for their sake.

I am grateful for the process God has taken me through to teach me that life is not about me. I am grateful that the same process has taught me to trust Him.

I am grateful for people who forgive my mistakes even when those mistakes hurt them.

I am grateful for FAMILY. I'm especially grateful for my future family. Pretty sure I love them already.

I am grateful for God, through whom I receive everything else.